Vinyl Narrative
Vinyl Narrative
Vinyl is being made by slave labor in Red China and imported to this country. Although not alone, Home Depot is a major encourager of this system and a significant financial beneficiary. The videos and narrative in the exhibits that follow are both shocking and tragic. Dirty vinyl is simply another stain on the ledger of Big Orange.
Exhibit 1 is the full report on vinyl manufacturing and is a complete study of the abuses. Although technical and involved it is more than worth the energy and time required to digest.
Exhibit 2 are various responses from sellers of the dirty vinyl. Home Depot is a ring leader. Their interaction is found on pages 5 and 6. It is the classic 3D approach. They attempt to deny then disparage and finally seek to dismiss using verbal only. Their first response on page six reeks of hypocrisy. They say they take such allegations seriously. If so, then why has a 150 billion sales company not bothered to ever check on the source and manufacturing of the vinyl. Where was any inspection or audit performed? None not good for profit. Nothing to see here and by all means do not turn over any rocks.
Their second response is equally useless. They received a request for records and of course declined to provide them. Then they sought to have the whole matter go away with a verbal phone conversation. When pressured to put in writing the response then followed. The writer for Depot uses the word alleges. Really? Forty-two pages of documented proof is much more than an allegation there Ron. The correct word is indictment. And of course his response is unsubstantiated backfilling and a request to remain verbal only. The reader is free to make their own evaluation. Why does Home Depot never have any proactive process in place to detect misuse of labor in Red China and elsewhere? Same reason German manufacturers did not care in Nazi Germany. Beyond contempt.
Exhibit 3 A report on how the dirty vinyl manufactured is distributed and to whom. Home Depot proudly displays the product for sale on pages 5 and 6. The reader is invited to see for themselves. A reasonable person might conclude that Depot should not be promoting blood-stained vinyl.
Exhibit 4. Home Depot shows up on page 5 as a major retailer of the tainted vinyl. Interesting to note the use of intermediaries as a form of vinyl washing not unlike money laundering done elsewhere. The latter is organized crime, right?
Exhibit 5. Drill down on the pvc industry in Red China detailing how things are done. If a group of collegians with a small budget can do this kind of drill down, then it is more than reasonable Home Depot can also. That they have failed to do so is owned by them.
Exhibit 6. The you tube video begins with Chinese but quickly moves to English. Provides an effective introduction and backdrop perspective for the horrors that companies including Home Depot plausibly deny for cheap product and increased profit.
Exhibit 7. Details the duplicity of Home Depot in bold captions for those that do not wish to read the entire report. Decide for yourself.
Exhibit 8. Home Depot promo video. Note the use of a very clean looking female blonde speaker. Lufthansa did the same with commercials in Germany in the thirties. Connect the dots.
Expect little to change.